






个人履历:江苏连云港人。2023年8月加入淮南师范学院151amjs澳金沙门;2021年7月至2023年7月于南方科技大学环境科学与工程学院从事博士后研究。2021年6月博士毕业于北京科技大学冶金工程专业。目前已在ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces、Chemical Engineering Journal、Applied Surface Science、Ceramics International等期刊发表SCI论文10余篇。发明专利1项。曾参与深圳市自然科学基金《超声辅助二维压电纳米材料处理高浓度有机废水的机制及应用》和国家自然青年基金项目《环境友好新型超结构钙钛矿太阳能电池材料的研究》。


1.       Li Rui,Zhang Huanyu,Zhang Mei,Guo Min. Effect of PbI2 solution on air-preparation of perovskite solar cells for enhanced performance. Applied Surface Science, 458, 172-182, 2018.

2.       Li Rui, Zhang Huanyu, Chai Rongxia, Zhang Mei, Guo Min. High-efficiency perovskite solar cell based on TiO2 nanorod arrays under natural ambient conditions: Solvent effect. Ceramics International, 45(9), 12353-12359, 2019.

3.       Li Rui, Zhang Huanyu, Han Xin, Zhang Mei, Guo Min. High efficient TiO2 nanorod arrays based lead-less perovskite solar cells: a suitable structure for more Strontium-substitution in nature environment. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2020, 12: 10515-10526.

4.       Li Rui, Huo Xiangtao, Han Xin, Wang Zhipeng, Zhang Mei, Guo Min. Facile synthesis of ordered Nb2O5 coated TiO2 nanorod arrays for efficient perovskite solar cells. Applied Surface Science, 2021, 542: 148728.

5.       Li Rui, Liang shuoyang, Aikelaimu Aihemaiti, Li shun, Zhang zuotai. Effectively enhanced piezocatalytic activity in flower-like 2H-MoS­2 with tunable S vacancy towards organic pollution degradation. Applied Surface Science, 2023.

6.       Huo Xiangtao, Li Rui, Wang Junkai, Zhang Mei, Guo Min. Repairable electrochromic energy storage devices: A durable material with balanced performance based on titanium dioxide/tungsten trioxide nanorod array composite structure. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2021, 430(1): 132821.

7.       Wang Zhipeng, Li Rui, Huo Xiangtao, Zhang Mei, Guo Min. Enhanced performance of TiO2 nanorod arrays structured perovskite solar cells: The synergistic passivation for perovskite defects with octylammonium iodide and choline chloride. Ceramics International. 2022,48(12): 17950-17959.

8.       Zhang Huanyu, Li Rui, Zhang Mei, Guo Min. The effect of SrI2 substitution on perovskite film formation and its photovoltaic properties via two different deposition methods. Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers. 2018, 5(6): 1354-1364.

9.       Qiang Zhiqin, Li Rui, Yang Zhiqiang, Zhang Mei, Guo Min. Zeolite X adsorbent with high stability synthesized from bauxite tailings for cyclic adsorption of CO2. Energy & Fuels. 2019, 33: 6641-6649.

10.    Liang Shuoyang, Li Rui, Xia Bin, Guo Min, Cheng Fangqin, and Zhang Mei. Dynamic desulfurization process over porous Zn-Cu-based materials in a packed column: Adsorption kinetics and breakthrough modeling. Energy & Fuels. 2020, 34:16552-16559.

11.    Zhang Huanyu, Li Rui, Zhang Mei, Guo Min. Effect of Sr substitution on the air-stability of perovskite solar cells. Ceramics International. 2020, 46: 14038-14047.

12.    Tang Shujie, Li Rui, Han Xin, Miao Xiwang, Zhang Mei, Guo Min. Selective and efficient extraction of lead from mixed sulfide-oxide lead and zinc ore by the in-situ self-reduction method. Hydrometallurgy. 2020,193: 105297.

13.    Zhang Huanyu, Li Rui, Zhang Mei, Guo Min. Research progress in lead-less or lead-free three-dimensional perovskite absorber materials for solar cells. International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy, and Materials. 2019, 26(4): 387-403.

14.    Wang Zhipeng, Li Rui, Ma Tingting, Zhu S, Gao L, Zhang Mei, Guo Min. Dually-passivated planar SnO2 based perovskite solar cells with >2,700 h ambient stability: Facile fabrication, high performance and mechanism.Ceramics International. 2022, 48(22):33934-33942.

15.    Wang Zhipeng, Li Rui, Zhang Mei, Guo Min. Air fabrication of SnO2 based planar perovskite solar cells with an efficiency approaching 20%: Synergistic passivation of multi-defects by choline chloride.Ceramics International. 2022, 48(1): 212-223.


1.     郭敏,张梅,唐书杰,李瑞,苗希望,一种合成钙钛矿太阳能电池材料碘化铅的方法,专利授权号:CN110194484A