

高绿绿,女,1993年生,安徽寿县人,20197月毕业于安徽师范大学化学与材料科学学院无机化学专业,获理学硕士学位;202212月毕业于安徽师范大学化学与材料科学学院化学专业,获理学博士学位。20233月就职于淮南师范学院151amjs澳金沙门。目前已在Applied Surface Science, Electrochimica Acta, Ceramics International, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry等国际知名期刊以第一作者发表SCI论文10余篇,获中国发明专利授权1项;参与国家自然科学基金面上项目1项。




[11] Lvlv Gao, Jun Wang, Wanlong Wang, Sang Woo Joo, Jiarui Huang*, NiSe2/CoSe2 nanoparticles anchored on nitrogen-doped carbon nanosheets: Toward high performance anode for Na-ion battery, Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 2023, 928, 117013.

[10] Lvlv Gao, Haibo Ren*, Xiaojing Lu, Sang Woo Joo*, Terence Xiaoteng Liu, Jiarui Huang*, Heterostructure of NiSe2/MnSe nanoparticles distributed on cross-linked carbon nanosheets for high-performance sodium-ion battery, Applied Surface Science, 2022, 599, 154067.

[9] Lvlv Gao, Tian Sheng, Haibo Ren*, Terence Xiaoteng Liu*, Martin Birkett, Sang Woo Joo*, Jiarui Huang*, Boron nitride wrapped N-doped carbon nanosheet cathode for advanced lithium−sulfur batteries, Applied Surface Science, 2022,597, 153687.

[8] Lvlv Gao, Tian Sheng, Mengdie Wang, Haibo Ren, Sang Woo Joo,Jiarui Huang*, Titanium nitride nanocrystals anchored evenly on interconnected carbon nanosheets with effective chemisorption and catalytic effects towards polysulfides for long-life lithium−sulfur batteriesElectrochimica Acta,2021, 395, 139208.

[7] Lvlv Gao, Ningning Huang, Jun Wang, Haibo Ren, Sang Woo Joo, Jiarui Huang*, Fabrication of polypyrrole coated cobalt manganate porous nanocubes by a facile template precipitation and annealing method for lithium–sulfur batteries, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2021, 885, 161350.

[6] Lvlv Gao, Jie Yang, Xiaojing Lu, Haibo Ren*, Enhong Sheng, Jiarui Huang*, Hierarchical porous carbon doped with high content of nitrogen as sulfur host for high performance lithium–sulfur batteries, Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 2020, 878, 114593.

[5] Lvlv Gao, Yaxian Cao, Jun Wang, Haibo Ren*, Junhai Wang, Jiarui Huang*, Construction of polypyrrole coated hollow cobalt manganate nanocages as an effective

sulfur host for lithium-sulfur batteries, Ceramics International, 2020, 46, 18224-18233.

[4]Junhai Wang1, Lvlv Gao1, Jingjuan Zhao, Jiandong Zheng, Jun Wang, Jiarui Huang*, A facile in‒situ synthesis of ZIF‑8 nanoparticles anchored on reduced graphene oxide as a sulfur host for Li‑S batteries, Materials Research Bulletin, 2021, 133, 111061

[3] Junhai Wang1, Lvlv Gao1, Cuiping Gu, Jun Wang, Jiarui Huang*, Polypyrrole-coated hollow zeolite microcake as sulfur host for lithium‑sulfur batteries with improved electrochemical behaviors, Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 2020, 877, 114565.

[2] Lvlv Gao, Cuiping Gu*, Jingjuan Zhao, Xinjie Song*, Jiarui Huang*, Preparation of manganese monoxide@reduced graphene oxide nanocomposites with superior electrochemical performances for lithium-ion batteries, Ceramics International, 2019, 45, 3425-3434.

[1] Lvlv Gao, Cuiping Gu*, Haibo Ren, Xinjie Song*, Jiarui Huang*, Synthesis of tin (IV) oxide@reduced graphene oxide nanocomposites with superior electrochemical behaviors for lithium-ions batteries, Electrochimica Acta 2018, 290, 72-81.


[1]高绿绿,王俊,黄家锐,一种聚吡咯包裹中空多孔锰酸钴负载硫复合材料及其制备方法以及锂硫电池正极和锂硫电池,专利号ZL 2019 1 0871348

