

侯磊鑫,男,讲师,博士,山西忻州人。2023 年博士毕业于大连理工大学,当年进入淮南师范学院151amjs澳金沙门工作,主要研究方向为新型光活性杂化材料的构筑及光催化性质研究。曾参与国家自然科学基金面上项目:单一手性金属有机框架结构的可控构筑与光催化不对称C-N偶联反应的研究 21971030



1.Leixin Hou, Xu Jing, Huilin Huang, and Chunying Duan. Interpenetrating Dye-Functionalized Indium-Organic Frameworks for Photooxidative Cyanation and Oxidative Cyclization. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2022, 10, 24320-24330.

2.Leixin Hou, Xu Jing, Huilin Huang, and Chunying Duan. Merging Charge Transfer into Metal-Organic Frameworks to Achieve High Reduction Potentials via Multiphoton Excitation. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2022, 14, 15307-15316.

3.Leixin Hou, Xu Jing, Huilin Huang, and Chunying Duan. Integrating a

fluorinated photoactive chromophore into metal-organic frameworks for selective trifluoroethylation of styrenes. Chemical Communications, 2023, 59, 3407-3410.

4.Li Fang, Leixin Hou, Yuhao Zhang, Yongkang Wang, Guanghong Yan. Synthesis of highly hydrophobic rutile titania-silica nanocomposites by an improved hydrolysis co-precipitation method. Ceramics International, 2017, 43, 5592-5598.